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What Wokefuckery Is This?

Roald Dahl.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Great heavens. So somebody (and quite possibly a “woke” somebody) decided that the children’s books written by popular author Roald Dahl are a bit too offensive for our children nowadays, as they have the words “fat”, “men” and “ugly” in them.

Well then. We wouldn’t want our beloved children to be offended, would we?

No we wouldn’t, but words like ugly and fat aren’t going to offend them as long as they properly educated as the the meaning and context. What is offensive however, is the fact that somebody just decided that classic works of fiction are now all of a sudden offensive. Let’s face it, these books have been around for a fair number of years already. They’ve sold millions of copies and been made into several films. If they were offensive, we’d have been offended long ago.

It’s about time all this absurd wokefuckery was stopped. This and the equally absurd so-called cancel culture. Can we not have a bit of common sense for a change?

In this particular instance, common sense has indeed prevailed. According to the BBC, the books are going to continue to be printed as they were written. (The BBC article is here.)

Thank heavens.