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Lineker’s Vinegar

Gary Lineker
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I am in no way a football fan. In fact, I only know about six footballers in total. Gary Lineker is one of them. I don’t know anything about his footballing history, but I do know that he presents himself as what my Mother used to say was “a nice young man”. Oh and the crisps, of course. I know him from the crisps.

There’s a “bit of a furore” over a tweet he recently scribed, commenting on the current Government’s immigration policy. The BBC (for whom Lineker works) has taken umbrage about said tweet and has suspended him from their football programmes.

Lineker remained unrepentant about his tweet and has stood by his guns. Not only that, several of his peers and fellow presenters have also boycotted the BBC’s sports programmes, causing the BBC to remove programming and foreshorten the programmes that they are going to show.

And I say: good for him. It’s got nothing to do with the BBC, or any BBC policy what he tweets about in his own time. It would be different if he’d have tweeted something derogatory about his football ventures – the very thing that the BBC pay him for. But no, this was a tweet on his own account of an opinion that is his and his alone. And good for him for sticking to his guns. Good man.

In the meantime, I smell wokefuckery.