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Motörhead Day

The great Lemmy Kilmister, from Motörhead.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Back in the late 1990’s I had the privilege of working with someone who knew the late (and legendary) Lemmy from Motörhead. Being a fan of Motörhead, this was big news for me and sparked endless conversations about the subject in the office where we worked.

Also in the office where we worked was a young lad whom we’d just employed to help us with our IT support calls. The young lad knew very little about Motörhead (very little, as in nothing), or any other music for that matter. Thus he would listen into our conversations about punk and heavy metal with glassy eyes.

As was our wont at the time, we would often play little snips of tunes in the office to keep ourselves amused. One of the songs frequently played was “Ace Of Spades” by (of course) Motörhead. [I’ll be honest, we played that one quite a bit 😀 ]

It was May 4th. This was a day growing in popularity known as Star Wars Day. This was remarked upon in the office – the young lad had heard of it. Then he thought for a bit and said “it’ll be Motörhead day then, in four days time?” We asked him what he meant. He said, “well it’s in that song you keep playing, isn’t it?” (more blank faces).

“What song?” we asked. “That song you’re always playing.” “Sing it”, we cried.

He then launches into Motörhead’s Ace of Spades, substituting “The eighth of May” for the “Ace of Spades” line. Once we’d recovered from the ensuing hilarity, we told him the actual lyric.

From that day on, the 8th of May (today) is celebrated by at least two people as Motörhead Day – and will be for a while yet.

And if you don’t know it, here it is: