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Threads of Threads

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Lots of rumblings about the launch of Threads, the Meta (Instagram) chatty platform like Twitter.

Except of course it isn’t, as a lot of people have pointed out. But that hasn’t stopped 90 million people (including me) from signing up to it.

At the moment there’s no chronological timeline (threads are in a random order) and although you can follow people’s accounts, you also get a lot of other accounts in your “timeline” (timeline isn’t the right word for it, but it was all I could think of at the time… er.. line).

Yes, you can fine-tune these to a certain extent in your account settings and of course you can block accounts you really don’t want to see. But I find it quite refreshing to see some of the stuff other people are posting. There’s some funny\interesting stuff out there that you wouldn’t necessarily see elsewhere, so I may keep it like that for a bit.

One thing that does irritate me though is that it doesn’t have a desktop or web client yet. I’m sure that’s on it’s way and then I can be way more irritated with it than I am now 😉