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Dear Celebrity With an X Account.

A picture of someone with a fountain pen writing a letter.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear [insert celebrity name here],

It’s really lovely that you’re on X. Being on social media – whatever the flavour of it – is something that is difficult for some celebrities to do for various reasons, so I really appreciate that you have an X account. It’s also really lovely that you “X” often (or whatever the X equivalant of a tweet is), or rather re-X (the equivalent of a re-tweet). Sometimes multiple times a day, no less.

Wouldn’t it be lovely however, if you had something original to say. Rather than re-X (re-tweet) other people’s messages (several times a day), wouldn’t it be great if you thought of something original and then wrote it down in an X message?

I know that there are some very important issues in the world today. I also know that people have some strong views around certain subjects and some of those subjects are close to their hearts. There are a lot of people with a lot of opinions.

But wouldn’t it be great if you actually gave voice (or message) to what YOU think, instead of re-X-ing other peoples opinions. It’s OK to do that sometimes, but not every and all of the time. Personally, I would be interested to know what you did the other day, what you wore, what you ate, who you saw, what you’re interested in. It doesn’t have to be anything in detail, or anything that would give any of your personal preferences away, if you didn’t want to. Hell, I’m a fan of yours – you can lie if you like… as long as it’s an original lie, of course.

Yep, I’m a fan. That’s why I’m following you on X. I’ve seen you in [insert programme\film\theatre production name here] and I like what you do and the way that you do it. That’s why I’m following you. Not necessarily to engage with you, but to see what you’re about in real life, as a person rather than a film or TV personality or whatever it is that made you a celebrity and me a fan of yours.

The greater majority of us fans are mostly harmless. Yes, I get that a celeb may not want to engage with people on social media due to some people being “a little more than enthusiastic” with their opinions, but that’s what the block option is for, isn’t it?

Anyhoo, for the meantime, as you are all about the re-X rather than the text, I’m afraid you and I are going to have to part ways. At least for a while. And whereas I know and fully understand that that means absolutely nothing to you (why would it if you don’t engage?), it’s actually quite disappointing for me as a fan.

Ta-ra for now, we’ll catch up another day.

Much love,
The Rigor Mortist.