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Fawlty Towers

The old Fawlty Towers crew: John Cleese, Connie Booth and Andrew Sachs.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’ve just read an article on the BBC News that John Cleese is to create a new series of Fawlty Towers (along with his daughter Camilla) 40 years on from the original.

This is good news for me, as I’m sufficiently old enough to remember (and have enjoyed) the old series and also old enough not to get offended by anything. I’m just wondering – in fact looking forward to – the reaction from today’s namby-pamby WOKE snowflakes.

Bring it on, can’t wait. In the meantime, questions:

  • What’s happening (if anything) about Manuel? You can’t not have a Manuel-type character in Fawlty Towers! But what would that even look like in today’s society. And would it be funny?
  • Oh I hope they recreate some of the old sketches. In particular the Joan Sanderson deaf woman (that won’t happen!)
  • Still Torquay? Same Hotel?
  • Thrashing the car. Please make that happen!