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New Who: When, How and Where

Ncuti Gatwa as The 15th Doctor.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some reflections on the (at time of posting) upcoming new Series 1 of Doctor Who and the viewing arrangements thereof.

Yes, we’re starting the counting at Series 1 again. It keeps it nice and tidy for me though: my TV software likes to organise things in folders of not too many episodes (otherwise it has to think about it). So that’s all good, I like organisation!

Disney Rascal

Now that Disney has a corporate digit inserted into Doctor Who, we are seeing some changes (I’m an old person, I don’t usually like change. But even I can make exceptions!).

The changes are mostly for the better: for one (and it’s a big one) there’s a bigger (much bigger!) budget than the BBC would ever provide. Bigger budgets mean better (and more) sets, CGI and guest stars.

You’ve got to look in the long term at the end of the BBC, which is undoubtedly on its way in some shape or form.

Russell T. Davies, March 2024

Bigger budget and a global network means Doctor Who is now accessible to a far greater audience than it ever was. Disney+ is after all, available globally – something that the BBC on it’s own does not enjoy. Which of course means that even if the BBC in it’s current form meets it’s demise, then Doctor Who is ostensibly, “safe”.

The Twin Dilemma

Which leaves me with a dilemma. For all of my life (and the life of Doctor Who) I have watched it live, as and when broadcast on the television. There are very few exceptions to that (holidays for example), but right up until The Church On Ruby Road, I’ve watched it live.

As announced in March 2024, Series 1 will be released on Disney+ and the BBC iPlayer at midnight (BST) on May 11th and then broadcast later on that day.

I won’t be up at midnight.

But, it does give me the opportunity to stream it whenever I want to on May 11th.

But do I want to?

Well, I’m not fussed about spoilers etc. as I tend to ignore them – doubly so when it’s actually “on the air”. That means I don’t have to be right there at midnight, watching it the second it’s released.

And I know it’s going to be good, which means it’s highly likely I’ll watch the episodes more than once – which means I will record them. For the time being, the recording will be made when the episodes are broadcast on BBC One later in the day.


So, I think I’ll wait until the broadcast version.

There will inevitably come a day when it won’t be broadcast and I’ll have to stream it; but I don’t think that’s going to happen just yet.