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New Who: An Update!

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An update to the previous post.

In my last post, I declared that I would wait until the evening of May 11th and watch Doctor Who when it was aired live on the BBC.

Did I? Did I bollocks! 😀

The things that I didn’t pay attention to when I scribed the last post was this:

  • I have a large screen TV that play BBC iPlayer in UHD when it’s available (I don’t watch this one very often, as it’s usually “occupied” by “other people”).
  • I have a computer with a big widescreen, that I like to usually view my programmes on. It supports 4k and UHD (but not the iPlayer HLG UHD) and I use headphones for sound.

If I watch Doctor Who when broadcast on the BBC, I’ll have to watch it on my computer, which will be in HD (1080p) only, as the large-screen TV isn’t available to me at that time.

However, if I book large TV time, I can stream it from iPlayer in UHD.

Oh I chose large TV. The fact that the budget – and therefore the productions values – are running on Disney Dollars, I want to see that in the highest resolution possible.

This is a first for me. This will be the very first time that I’ve actually chosen not to watch Doctor Who live on the BBC (rather than being unable to watch it live, due to holidays etc.).

And although I’m not missing out on anything (in fact I’m gaining a UHD viewing, rather than an HD viewing) I do feel as if I’ve contributed a nail to hammer into that great British Institution, the BBC.