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Home > Dear Microsoft. Again.

Dear Microsoft. Again.

A picture of someone with a fountain pen writing a letter.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

I find myself writing you yet another letter. Let’s not allow this to become a regular thing.

I’m a Windows 11 User, with an annual subscription to M365. Way back when update 22H2 came out, you gave us mere mortals the ability to be able to drag and drop files to a location in the File Explorer address bar and it would duly drop that file in that location.

This was a little feature that gave me the deepest of deep joy. I used this quite a lot in Windows 10 (and before) however you decided to unceremoniously – and without warning – remove it when you released Windows 11. But no matter! Windows 11 Update 22H2 retuned it – and I went back to happily using it again. Hooray!

Then Windows 11 update 23H2 comes along and guess what? Some idiot at Microsoft has decided it would be a good idea to remove the drag & drop facility once more from File Explorer.

Once again, this very useful utility that I had just got back to using again – a lot, I might add (as it is very useful) – was unceremoniously ripped away once more and again, with no warning.

I ask the questions: what is the matter with you people? Do you not want to make it easy to use your software? Or are you hell bent on making things as difficult as possible by allowing some clearly incompetant person to make these stupid decisions?

Did you ask anyone whether this was a good feature? Did you? Despite your predicted answer of “the feedback indicated it wasn’t widely used” we both know that this is bollocks-speak for “oops, I forgot about that”. You didn’t ask anyone, did you. You certainly didn’t ask me.

These are clearly going to be rhetorical questions, as I imagine you aren’t even aware of what chaos you have caused.

As a subscriber and user of your software for many years (since Windows 3.1, actually), I’m fully expecting you to reinstate this feature as soon as possible. Whilst you’re at it, learn how to ask people before you just remove features and sack the idiot that removed this in the first place.

Thank you.

Your ever-loving and (for now) loyal user.
The (angry) Rigor Mortist.