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Michael Hogan

Michael Hogan as Saul Tigh in Battlestar Galactica.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’d been writing a post to go on my website about Battlestar Galactica. I’d seen the whole series (and the spin-offs) about four times since the original airing in the early 2000’s, but I hadn’t seen it for a few years. I thought I’d give it a rewatch, as it’s such a good series.

As I do for blog posts, I do a bit of research (contrary to popular belief, I don’t just throw them together, even if it looks like it!). In this case, I looked up a few actors, see what they’ve done since Battlestar, see how they’re getting on etc.

Upon looking up Michael Hogan, his Wikipedia page says this:

On February 17, 2020, Hogan sustained a brain injury after falling and hitting his head. This caused paralysis of his left side, memory loss, and dysphagia. The slip and fall accident happened at a dinner event following a Battlestar Galactica fan convention. Hogan’s former co-stars have rallied to support him, his wife Susan and their family as he continues along the difficult path of rehabilitation.

Source: Wikipedia 2024

This was the first I’d heard of this, and it’s rather sad news. Further research reveals that Michael’s wife Susan had set up a GoFundMe page shortly after Michael’s accident to fund the treatment and care to help Michael recover from his brain injury.

As I write this, it’s been just over four years since Michael’s accident. His wife Susan reports that he continues to improve, but these injuries can take a long time to recover from and an awful lot of therapists and treatment. Treatment and therapists that cost money to employ or use.

Susan provides updates on Michael’s health on their GoFundMe page every now and again, this is an extract from her post of March 19th 2024:

Michael is continuing to improve.
He can take ten steps just holding on to the banister! It’s incredible!
Slow and steady wins the race 🙂
I now have a kinesiologist also working with him. The more therapists the better.
He is still working on his one man show, putting stories together from his theatre work, his film work, and his “life’s” work, and there are many 🙂
It’s going to be brilliant.
It’s his frame of mind, his attitude, that always astounds me …. the glass is always half full!
He talks about his “lucky stroke” because it has given him all this time to put together his show:) He refers to himself as “the luckiest man in Canada”
That’s Michael for you 🙂 Bless him.

Source: Susan Hogan, Michael Hogan GoFundMe page

Michael is an incredibly good actor – not just as Saul Tigh of course – but many more roles he’s played in Film and Television over the years. You only have to look at his IMDB Page to see the vast range of work in his catalogue.

For me, his portrayal of Tigh throughout the whole Battlestar arc was beyond perfection. Tigh is without doubt my standout, hands-down favourite character within that universe. Michael put such energy into Saul Tigh, and played the part with such nuance, subtlety and charisma, that I’ll never see anyone else other than Michael in that role.

That’s why I’ve donated to his GoFundMe page. It’s not a vast amount, but I hope it’ll contribute to helping Michael get a bit better as the days go on. I’d encourage anyone who has seen Battlestar Galactica, or is a fan of the show to do the same – but it’s your choice, of course.

In the meantime, I’m sending all the best wishes I possibly can, to Michael for his continued recovery and to his family and wife Susan. Recover soon, XO.