This website is all about writing down some of the dross that circles around in my head. Some of it’s quite funny (some of it isn’t – it’s just plain moaning), but I thought I’d write some of it down, in case anyone else is interested in it. I mean, you never know. It might amuse someone else other than me. I’ve had lots of dross in my head for all of my life by the way (it’s probably what makes me such a dick), so I thought it might be therapeutic in some sort of weird way to dump it onto electric paper. At the very least though, it’ll stop me from bothering people.
It is highly likely that there are opinions in these articles. Probably quite a lot of opinions. But bear in mind that these are my opinions. We may not agree on these opinions, but they are my opinions. If my opinions offend you, please accept my apologies and move away quietly. Please close the door behind you.
Please note that you can’t email me and comments are disabled. However, if you’ve read some stuff and it’s made you laugh, brilliant. That’s the point. Please feel free to revisit at your leisure. New things will be posted as and when I think of them. Oh and I am on some Social Media (links at the bottom of the page), you’re welcome to say hello if you like.
The Rigor Mortist is an App
Well, almost. The website is available as a progressive web app (PWA), which means that if you’re using Edge, Chrome, Safari etc. then you can add the site as an icon to your home page or desktop and use the website as a full screen app.
This works on desktop, tablet and mobile phone. Enjoy.
The Colour Picker
The site has a button in the top menu bar (next to the search box) that will allow you to choose between dark and light mode. Toggle the button to switch between the two. It’s not set to do it automatically based on your browser settings, as that can be a pain in the arse!
Anniversary and Birthday Posts etc.
On the odd occasion, I’ll publish a post celebrating someone’s birthday, or celebrating the anniversary of something, such as an album, an event or even a TV series.
These are one-of-a-kind posts: I’ll write and publish a post celebrating someone’s birthday, e.g. Frances de la Tour (she celebrated an 80th birthday recently) but that will be it.
There might be exceptions, for example in ten years time, when Frances de la Tour is 90 (a milestone birthday), then I may write another post just to celebrate that (or I might not).
Or if an album that I like reaches a milestone anniversary, e.g. Jean Michel Jarre’s Oxygène album will be 50 years old in December 2026.
Obviously, it’s only about things, or people I like! 😁
Cookies and Privacy
There are no cookies or any analytics of any kind on this site. Your data is left well alone: there’s no information garnered from your connection whatsoever.
Anyway, back to the point:
The information contained in this website is for entertainment purposes only.