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Spoiler Alert! The Art Of Avoidance

Spoiler Alert!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s highly likely that we all know what a spoiler is:

A spoiler is an element of a disseminated summary or description of a media narrative that reveals significant plot elements, with the implication that the experience of discovering the plot naturally, as the creator intended it, has been robbed of its full effect.

From Wikipedia

It’s also highly likely that we all know what social media is (and quite possibly have a few accounts we use):

A method of spreading spoilers – about currently running series or films – that can spread like wildfire, even if you’re not immediately subscribed to “spoiler-mongers”.

OK, so maybe not the only definition of social media, but you get the idea. If you’re a part of social media, whether it’s Facebook, Threads, X or whatever, invariably at some point, somebody will post a spoiler about a programme you watch.

I’m good with that… mostly

For the greater majority of the time, I’m good with that. I don’t care enough about current running programmes to warrant a meltdown if spoilers are distributed on social media. I’m about six months behind with my TV series viewing anyway, so if I did see a spoiler, I’d more than likely forget about it by the time I got around to watching the series to which it applied.

There’s one exception however: Doctor Who. As readers of previous posts will know, I am a huge fan of Doctor Who. And now, of course, we can watch it at any time as it is available to be streamed from 12 o’clock midnight in the UK.

I’m not up at midnight

I lamented in this post about streaming; that I wouldn’t be awake at midnight when Doctor Who is released. No, I’ll take my time to view, absorb and enjoy it at my leisure: which means I won’t watch it until roughly 7pm UK time. That’s 19 plus hours from “broadcast” to me watching it.

At the time it was broadcast, I knew that spoilers would be rife. Even unintentional ones on social media were giving away important plot points that I didn’t really want to know until I’d watched it. Because it was so popular, there were a lot of people posting.


How to avoid spoilers. It’s actually quite easy for me to avoid any spoilers, mostly 100%. It’s a simple solution, too. One which may be hard for others, but dead easy for me. And that solution is……

Stay off social media. Ignore any news websites. Ignore any Instagram posts. Ignore the lot. It worked for me and it worked well.

As a bit of a bonus, staying off social media for roughly 19 hours was a bit of a cleanse as well. I just enjoyed my Saturday and went back to social media when I’d finished watching.

If anything, I’d recommend a day a week without any social media of any kind to anyone. Very cathartic.

And of course, they’re all still there the next time you log on.