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The Rigor Mortist

The Rigor Mortist
Reading Time: 2 minutes

That’s what this website is called and that is the persona that I have assumed: The Rigor Mortist.

Why The Rigor Mortist? Because I bore people stiff.

(Ha ha.)

So who am I? Well, I’m nobody special, just your run-of-the-mill (retired) miserable old bugger.

I did an apprenticeship in maintenance engineering at an Ice Cream factory, spent a few years in manufacturing engineering and then a few (quite a few, actually) years more, working with computers and servers and all that computer-y kind of stuff. So you could say I’ve picked up engineering skills (both electrical and mechanical), some Information Technology skills (dealing mainly with larger server installations, Technical Architecture (system design)) and I’m now retired so I don’t have to do any of that shit ever again, (says he, writing a website).

I very much enjoyed the 70’s and the 80’s (because I was there) and I like what I like. Typical Baby Boomer.

Speaking of what I like: I like the music I grew up with (mainly), so these are your Sparks, Jean-Michel Jarre, bit of dance, bit of everything, really. I still lookout for new (to me) artists to listen to, like St. Vincent, Dua Lipa to listen to and very much a fan of the old “bands that never die” (but release new stuff) like the afore-mentioned Sparks, Jean-Michel Jarre, Todd Rundgren (a recent discovery), AC/DC and Blondie. To name but a few of very many.

I like films and I like tv series, both US and British. I am a big fan of the old 70’s and 80’s sitcoms (that cannot be shown any longer) such as It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Are You Being Served and ‘Allo ‘Allo. I like the occasional Carry On and enjoy a Bond (James Bond) film. And similar and so on.

The one programme that I’ve always been a fan of (and always will be, whatever the weather) is Doctor Who. I’ve been a fan of that since it started in 1963, when my Dad used to sit me on his knee to watch it on a Saturday after the football results. And I have never missed a single episode since.
